Monday, January 17, 2011

Grade 4 Mathematics: Number Sense and Numeration- Money
Good afternoon class,
Over the past few days we have been working on counting money and giving the correct change. You had an opportunity to solve math problems in partners that allowed you to give change after your partner bought an item on your worksheet. I have found an activity that will help you to practice your mathematical skills in the comfort of your own home while you are still learning!
The game is called “Cash Out”. The object of the game is to provide the correct change to the customer. However, it is not that easy! In this activity you will have a chance to practice recognizing money (coins and bills), counting, and giving the correct change.
A quick hint- start on the “easy” section to get a feel for the game and then change the difficulty when you are comfortable. This activity will help you to practice your skills for math class this week and for your upcoming unit test.  Enjoy working with money!
Click HERE to begin "Cash Out"

Parents: Please note that this link is directly aligned to the mathematics curriculum under the Number Sense and Numeration strand. Please have your son or daughter engage in this activity for ten minutes per night as it is good practice in giving the correct change to a customer. It helps them to practice recognizing the different bills and coins as well as perform the mathematical steps of adding and subtracting money amounts to $100.00. This is a prime example of 21st century learning as students can engage in online activities instead of writing the numbers on their worksheet or counting the change. Thank you for your support!

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