Monday, January 17, 2011

Important and Useful Websites for Peel Families:

1) Peel Board Website

     The Peel Board Website is an excellent link to stay informed on what events, activities, and information are being released to schools. It has a parent section, school section and even “student stuff” with several activities and useful links. It is also important to note that it links to other languages- helpful in the home environment!

      Remember, with the winter weather it is important to check this website before coming to school for bus and school cancellations. Remember to stay informed and have students dressed appropriately!

Click HERE to go to the Peel District School Board Website

      The Cooksville Creek Website is also an important link to keep in a convenient location to access on a daily basis. The website offers school information, newsletters and a school calendar. Remember to “subscribe” to the website to obtain information about the school, upcoming activities, critical updates and the volunteer posting board. A useful website for students, parents and staff!

Click HERE to go to the Cooksville Creek Webpage

Grade 4 Social Studies: Canada and World Connections- Canada’s Provinces, Territories and Regions
As we are coming to the end of our Canada unit, I thought that sharing this link with you would be interesting and fun for you to practice your facts about the provinces and territories at home. Canadian Geographic Kids is an excellent website for you to reference that connects to what we have been studying in class. It helps to build an appreciation for our country! Use the “Map It” icon on the right hand side to participate in the activity. Here you will have a chance to do a puzzle of Canada where you can practice matching various provinces, territories, capital cities, and geographic regions on the map. This is perfect review for our upcoming unit presentations that will create our one large mural of each province/territory. It is also a great way to review for your test! Have fun exploring about Canada- the place we call home!
Click HERE to go to Canadian Geographic Kids

Parents: Please note that this link is directly aligned with the Grade 4 Social Studies Curriculum on Canada and World Connections. This link will help assist your son or daughter with learning Canada’s provinces, territories and regions. Please encourage your son or daughter to review these facts on a regular basis throughout the week. By providing extra practice at home it will help to reinforce our classroom learning throughout our unit. Thank you in advance!
Grade 4 Mathematics: Number Sense and Numeration- Money
Good afternoon class,
Over the past few days we have been working on counting money and giving the correct change. You had an opportunity to solve math problems in partners that allowed you to give change after your partner bought an item on your worksheet. I have found an activity that will help you to practice your mathematical skills in the comfort of your own home while you are still learning!
The game is called “Cash Out”. The object of the game is to provide the correct change to the customer. However, it is not that easy! In this activity you will have a chance to practice recognizing money (coins and bills), counting, and giving the correct change.
A quick hint- start on the “easy” section to get a feel for the game and then change the difficulty when you are comfortable. This activity will help you to practice your skills for math class this week and for your upcoming unit test.  Enjoy working with money!
Click HERE to begin "Cash Out"

Parents: Please note that this link is directly aligned to the mathematics curriculum under the Number Sense and Numeration strand. Please have your son or daughter engage in this activity for ten minutes per night as it is good practice in giving the correct change to a customer. It helps them to practice recognizing the different bills and coins as well as perform the mathematical steps of adding and subtracting money amounts to $100.00. This is a prime example of 21st century learning as students can engage in online activities instead of writing the numbers on their worksheet or counting the change. Thank you for your support!
Fun links and activities!
Over the past week, I have gathered some fun and appropriate websites that are relevant to what we have been learning in class.
They are:, and . These fun activity sites offer games, puzzles, activities and more! Have some fun while improving your literacy and numeracy skills!

Click HERE to go to the Read-Write-Think webpage
TIP: Click on the Parent and Afterschool Resource link on the right side to go to games, activities, and tools. Remember to select the option for grades 3-4. Have fun exploring!

Click HERE to go to the Kids-Click webpage
TIP: Click on a link under the category search to select your topic to learn about! Try and focus on topics relevant to class such as art, science and math.

Click HERE to go to the Kids-Know-It webpage
TIP: Click on the MATH, GEOGRAPHY or SPELLING games on the right hand menu to practice concepts learned in class.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Resource Link: Link to Learning Website

       The Link To Learning Website allows students to think critically and analyze information and data from subjects across the curriculum.
Parents, it is important to note that The Link to Learning Website is aligned and directly linked to The Ministry of Education curriculum for various subjects that are used across the province. Whether selecting Language Arts, Science, or Math, it allows students to explore and review topics learned about in class. It allows students to practice their technology skills while reviewing their knowledge. A fantastic resource for all grades and subjects!

Click HERE to go to Link To Learning!


Welcome to our Grade 4 class blog with lots of information and resources. I invite both students and parents to view this blog regularly as useful and relevant resources and messages will be posted to help with student success. Please explore further and take some time to look at the various subjects areas including Social Studies, Language Arts and Mathematics.

Don’t forget to look at some of my favourite links too! They may be helpful with additional research for projects.
Have fun learning!
Miss Zarycky